Friday, November 5, 2010

jim goldberg

here are some images from jim goldberg. approximately half of his stuff is in color, and some of mine will be too (the polaroids to be specific)


  1. I'm really curious as to how all these photographs are connected. Are they from several of Goldberg's different projects or are they united by a specific theme?

  2. These are marvelous! I love the fusion of writing with the visual medium of photography. The best thing about these is how personal they are to begin with, and how the become so much more personal when you add writing from the subjects. Can't wait to see how your work turns out.

  3. I've always loved when words are combined with pictures, so these were really fun for me to look through. I'm guessing that the writing is from the subject in the photos, which is a really cool concept, because both the photographer and the subject have an impact on what the final print looks like. I'm excited to see yours!

  4. Some of the broken English on the photos ("I was rebel in war," "Albanian man stab me,") seem to come across as commands on how to give the photos meaning. That's great.

  5. this are SO INTENSE! the energy is tangible in all of them...and they're all really creative. this guy is great

  6. I really like the use of text, it adds a whole new element to the images. I also like how the photographer juxtaposed images together, for example with the color image of the man against the sky and a second photo of just the sky. It gives the image a larger canvas and creates a different emotion then if the man was alone.

  7. I love how intense each of the photos are. The pictures of the couples are so raw, and the social commentary that glares through each print is deafening.

  8. each of these photos seem completly different in content,, but each one has a lot of energy, and tells a narrative story that is really in depth. I cant wait to see how you choose to recreat this feeling

  9. Some of his work seems very political while others seem more commercial. It's interesting to see the two genres contrasted in such a way.

  10. I like how he incorporates writing into his photographs. It makes it feel more personal and makes me as the viewer almost uncomfortable, as if I've happened upon someones private collection of pictures. In fact many of his photos seem very private so it will be interesting to see if you captured this in your project.

  11. There is such a bizarre mix of photos here. Some feel like they are sending a political message and some so intimate it makes the viewer (aka me) uncomfortable. He asked each subject to write about their own photo? I am sad and lonely while looking at this collection, and the subjects seem to be too. Projecting? Maybe.

  12. I really love the combination of visual art forms on these photographs, the writing, patterns, and colors are all very pleasing to the eye and the mind. They're raw and emotional yet pleasant at the same time. I'm excited to see your interpretation of this body of work, especially in black and white.

  13. These are great. I hope you included the use of text in your emulation as well, as I find that particularly interesting.

  14. I hope I can read those texts well, for me it is very hard to read hand-writing texts. But when I ignore the meaning of texts and treat them like a abstract texture, they all looks very interesting. I am really excited to see your work!
